Sunday 5 July 2020


As part of your recovery, we will be engaging in random urine drug screens. These
screens will be looking for all drugs of abuse including alcohol. There are some
things that you will want to avoid to ensure that your urine isn’t “contaminated”.
This is an incomplete list of these things:
Any self medication, especially Benadryl, gravol, cold meds with
Vitamin B supplements that are derived from hemp.
Anything that is derived from hemp (food, body creams, etc.)
Poppy seeds. Alcohol shows up in lots of foods, read the label!
Tonic water – large amounts can look like opiates
Have a prescription for all your OTCs

Every day, you are expected to check the urine website here:
Double-check the date, and the colour. The animal is there to help your brain
feel comfortable with remembering what colour you saw. Colours will start
appearing July 13, right now it’s empty. 

We are using the following program:
Yellow/Leopard - random dates up to 52/year.
Red/Elephant - random dates up to 24/year.
White/Fish - random dates up to 12/year.
Blue/Parrot - random dates up to 3/year.
Weekends and stat holidays not included.
Grey are holder days. New posts will show up automatically every
day at midnight central time.
If you notice a problem with the website, let Julie know ASAP.

Which “colour/animal” group you belong in will depend on where you
are in your recovery and what your contract requires. It is not a punishment,
but a way of helping you in your healing. 

You will have a requisition to take to the lab. Right now only DynaCare is
able to provide forensic urines. Feel free to add your family doctor to the cc portion of the
lab req if you feel they should also have
this information/are the ones supervising your urine collection. 

Ensure that your urine is somewhat concentrated. Colourless urine will not
be valid (urine metabolites are measured as well). 

Why do we bother with the urines? Patients tell me often that the urines
help them to maintain recovery even when they would REALLY like to
have a drink or take a substance they shouldn’t. The evidence that we
have shows that health care providers do significantly better when they
are enrolled in a random urine screening plan. 

It is your responsibility to let Dr. U know if your lab requisition is expiring. 

If you are responsible to a college and have an agreement with them,
the college will be notified of positive urines. So will you. Positive urines
will be discussed in our mutual support meetings/Caduceus. If you are
not in Dr. U’s group, it is expected that you will bring the information to
your external Caduceus group. 

Let us know if any questions come up. Keep rocking your recovery!